Teaching English in the Jungle: Empowering Dreams through English Education in Sri Lankan

4 min readJul 19, 2023


Nestled deep within the lush Sri Lankan jungle, southeast of the renowned town of Ella, an extraordinary language school stands as a beacon of hope and opportunity for local students. It was within this enchanting setting that I embarked on a transformative journey as an English teacher, surrounded by awe-inspiring natural beauty and a community of determined learners. Each day brought new revelations of their unwavering dedication and the profound impact of the foundation supporting them.

As I navigated treacherous off-road paths on a motorbike to reach the students’ homes after their regular school hours on weekdays, the remoteness of their locations became evident. Remarkably, these resilient children balanced their demanding weekday school routine with an eagerness to attend the language school on weekends. Their commitment to learning was truly remarkable and served as a testament to their unwavering spirit.

What struck me profoundly was that these students followed the same curriculum as their counterparts in the UK. Their determination to excel and broaden their knowledge transcended the limitations they faced. I was astounded by their insatiable thirst for learning, and their dreams of becoming doctors, lawyers, engineers, and other professionals were unwavering.

During my stay, I was fortunate to live with the owner’s family, immersing myself in the local community and experiencing their warm hospitality firsthand. As the owner recognized the importance of English proficiency in today’s world, a profound decision was made. Some of the students’ parents were invited to sit in on the classes. This simple act showcased the realization that the younger generation now had far more opportunities than their parents ever had. Many of these mothers were labeled as “housewives,” yet their daughters aspired to become doctors, lawyers, engineers, and professionals in various fields, defying societal expectations. It was awe-inspiring to witness these little girls nurturing dreams that knew no boundaries.

Throughout the language school’s breaks, the students and I embarked on invigorating walks to the nearby river, where cascading waterfalls provided a tranquil retreat. These moments in nature not only refreshed our spirits but also strengthened the bond between us. It was during these breaks that the students shared stories of their lives. They revealed that despite their challenging circumstances, sleep was a rarity for them. The determination to pursue their dreams was unwavering, even in the face of limited resources.

One aspect that highlighted the students’ resilience was their shared access to a limited number of laptops at the language school. The students exhibited remarkable resourcefulness and adaptability, making the most of the available resources. Their commitment to education remained unwavering, even when faced with these challenges.

Behind the scenes, the foundation supporting the language school played a pivotal role in transforming the lives of these students. Their unwavering dedication and tireless efforts bridged the gap between rural communities and educational opportunities. Through their commitment, they empowered these young minds, fostering a sense of belief and providing them with a platform for growth and success.

Teaching English in the Sri Lankan jungle was a profound and life-changing experience. The unwavering dedication of the students, the realization of the importance of learning English, and the support of their parents and the foundation highlighted the boundless potential that education can unlock. This extraordinary journey underscored the transformative power of language and the profound impact that individuals and organizations can have on the lives of young learners. Together, we built bridges and empowered these remarkable students to embrace a future filled with endless possibilities.




A solo female traveler, with a craving desire for adventure, 22 countries so far, Current country: India